

来源:红网 作者:陈保君 邓琳娜 编辑:陈晓丹 2023-01-21 13:06:06

□陈保君(马来西亚) 邓琳娜(罗马尼亚)







在这个一切都变得模棱两可的世界里,我们应该比以往任何时候更加了解家庭的价值。 即使世界变得越来越现代和复杂,家庭仍然具有相同的意义和价值。 家庭是一个强而有力的词,代表着温暖、亲情和信任。从我们出生时起,我们彼此之间的唯一纽带就是我们的家庭。我们称家庭成员为家人,因为他们关心并支持着我们日后的成长与发展。家庭也是我们的生命线。 作为帮助和激励的来源,家庭成员在决定一个人的人生成长方面都起着至关重要的作用。

我的另一个强烈感受是朋友之间的爱,因为中国人也会给他们的好朋友送上祝福,并在他们从家乡回来时关心地问候他们。 只有在与中国朋友保持密切联系后,感情才会更加牢固,尽管他们离我很远,但我始终可以与他们电话交谈并与他们建立牢固的关系。 我发现生活中有很多事情是我们无法控制的。我们可以选择益友以让我们的生活更加充实和美丽,反之损友会让我们的生活不愉快和沮丧。 友谊帮助我们渡过困难时期,让生活更加快乐和有趣,并在总体上改善我们的生活。


春节意味着希望和美好的未来,努力总是与希望相结合,才能创造美好的现在和辉煌的未来。 当我们心中有一个特定的目标和自己想要的东西时,希望就会出现。 希望不是一种被动的梦想实践,而是一种积极的生活态度。 尽管这可能具有挑战性,但我们将制定一项战略来帮助我们实现目标。 另外,我从这段美好的时光中了解到,中国人所做的每一件事都可以带来希望,所以他们可以让一切变得更加美好和长久。



我们的生活是一段旅程,在每年的这个时候,每个人都希望回到家人身边,一起庆祝。 有时我们匆忙而忘记了感受幸福,而幸福只有在我们所爱的人身边才能感受到。 许多人在中国旅行是为了回到自己的家乡,通过这种方式,表明没有忘记他们的父母、他们的家和他们度过童年的地方。 火车站、机场充满了欢乐和希望,每个人都在忙着到达目的地。


我记得丹麦著名作家汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(hans christian andersen)写的一个特别的故事,他写了很多美丽的故事,比如《小美人鱼》(the little mermaid)。安徒生还写了《小火柴的女孩》(the little match girl),讲的是一个小女孩,由于太冷,她在新年的夜晚试图通过点燃火柴来取暖。她点燃了一根又一根的火柴同时想起了她过世的祖母和梦想着一顿丰盛而美味的晚餐。但遗憾的是她最终离开了人世。这个悲伤的故事讲述了一个仅靠“火柴”那微小的热量和内心缺乏热度才能感受到新年快乐的可怜小女孩。

在此,让我们都怀着希望和喜悦来享受每一次庆祝活动,尤其是春节,这样我们就可以永远成为其他人的“温暖”,为他们的生活带来欢乐。 大家春节快乐!

the spring for both mind and heart

spring festival is the most important, special and embraced celebration for chinese people around the world. this time of the year you feel like a special feeling of extreme happiness just by seeing all the happy faces eager to meet their families.

many households clean up in preparation for the spring festival. they display red poetry posters outside their doors and on their walls, and they decorate their homes with red lanterns. this time of the year is also a time for family reunions because so many people travel to see their relatives. on the evening of the spring festival eve, many families set off fireworks in an effort to fend off bad luck and embrace spring, hope and everything that is good.

the beauty of this celebration is unique and i am very happy whenever i have the opportunity to share with other people the beauty of this unique celebration. people ask me to tell them more about the chinese new year and everyone listens in astonishment as i tell them more about the wonderful traditions, how people express blessings and how everyone is cheerful.

this year will be the water rabbit. the cute and fluffy animal from the chinese zodiac that everyone loves will represent the new begging. the year 2023 has the chinese zodiac sign of the water rabbit, which represents longevity, harmony, and wealth. in the chinese zodiac, the rabbit is the fourth zodiac sign. beginning on february 4, 2023, and ending on february 9, 2024, is the 2023 rabbit year.

many more customs connected to the myths and background of the spring festival exist in addition to the use of red in clothes and decorations. it's common to purchase new clothes in addition to cleaning the house and one's physique. children receive lucky money from family elders in a red bag or envelope. children also honor and respect their elders.

i will use 3 words to describe this beautiful celebration:


i learned that family is the most important aspect that should be cherished from chinese people and this beautiful celebration. family is usually prioritized by chinese people because chinese culture places a strong emphasis on collectivism and family has always played a significant role in chinese society. the basis of significant relationships—husband and wife, older and younger, siblings, and brothers—according to confucian philosophy is the family. honoring elders is a traditional characteristic in china because of the culture's emphasis on looking for the young and the elderly. in chinese society, the seniors are also respected for their lifelong knowledge and wealth of experiences.

we must now more than ever understand the value of family in a world where everything has become ambiguous. even if the world is getting more contemporary and sophisticated, family still has the same meaning and values. family is a strong word that means: warmth, affection, and trust. the only bond we have with one another from the time of our birth is our family. we refer to those as family since they look out for us and support our development. they also serve as our lifelines. as a source of assistance and motivation, family members play a crucial part in determining a person's accomplishment or failure in life.

another strong connection that i realized is love between friends, because chinese people also send blessings to their close friends and happily ask them when they come back from their hometown. i learn to really cherish friends only after keeping a strong connection with my chinese friends because although they are so far away from me, i could always keep talking with them and have strong relation with them. i discover that so many things in life are beyond our control as we go through life. ho we can choose our friends, and that choice may either make our life more fulfilling and beautiful or more unpleasant and depressing. the most important aspect about investing time and effort in friendships is that by doing so, we not only make our friends' lives better, but also our own! friendships help us get through difficult times, make life more joyful and fun, and generally improve our lives.


spring festival is about hoping for a better future where hard work is always in combination with hope in a way that can build a bright present and a brilliant future. when we have a specific goal in mind and something we want, hope emerges. hope is not a passively practice in dreaming, but an active attitude to life. and even though it could be challenging, we'll create a strategy to help us achieve where we would like to go. i learned from this beautiful time that chinese people can bring hope in everything they do, so they can make everything more beautiful and long lasting.

keeping a clear perspective on what is essential and what we would like to participate and complete also helps to foster hope. we reaffirm our underlying values whenever we are convinced of our major objectives, the things that motivate us. then, we're more likely to continue with it since the procedure—the attitude that results from living in accordance with our values—enables us to overcome challenges.


our live is a journey and during this time of the year everyone wishes to return to their families and celebrate together. sometimes we rush and forget that the most important part is to feel happiness and happiness can be felt only by being next to the people we love. many people travel in china to go back to their hometown and in this way, they show that they did not forget their parents, their home and the place where they spend their childhood. train stations, airports are filled with joy and hope and everyone is busy reaching their destination.

it takes more than just putting in time to make life better; it requires investing time in learning new things, making other people happy, or making sure that all people around you feel a little bit happier after meeting you. this is exactly how i felt whenever spring festival comes: happier and prepare for all the journeys in the life.

i remember one special story written by hans christian andersen, the famous danish writer who wrote so many beautiful stories such as "the little mermaid" also wrote a short story named "the little match girl" about a little girl who on new year’s night tries to get warm by lightening matches. she lights match after match and she remembers her grandmother and dreams of a rich and full of delicacies dinner. she eventually dies because of the cold. this sad story shows an adorable child who only had the power of “matches” and the heat from her heart to feel the happiness of the new year.

let us all enjoy every celebration and especially spring festival with hope and joy so that we can always be the “matches” for other people and bring joy in their lives. happy spring festival everyone!

指导老师:刘海明 王小杨


作者:陈保君 邓琳娜


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