

来源:红网 作者:曲甜甜 吴氏垂心 编辑:陈晓丹 2022-11-18 17:05:36

□曲甜甜(中国) 吴氏垂心(越南)




在东南亚各国中,越南是受中国文化影响最深的国家之一。而越南姓氏的产生也可以追溯到中越文化交流的初期。从西汉到唐朝大约1000多年时间里,越南语在两次大量借用汉语词汇的过程中逐渐吸收了汉语姓氏,并在之后的发展中填充了本民族的特色。但越南姓氏并没有中国那么多,发展到现代大约有300多个姓,其中人数最多的三大姓氏是阮(nguyen),陈(tran),黎(le)。除此之外,“阮福“(nguyen phuc)这个姓氏是越南历史上唯一没有发生变化的姓氏,一直流传至今。

来自中国的甜甜有一个特别的姓氏——曲。在中国,拥有这个姓氏的人相对还是比较少的,并且这个姓氏经历了漫长的演变过程。来自越南的垂心对自己的姓“吴“很骄傲, 因为在越南300多个姓中,“吴”排在前20位,因此算是上是大户人家。只不过垂心也对自己的姓名有些怨言,在越南女孩子的名字中带有“氏”是20世纪90年代之前的习惯,放到现在,就显得有些落伍了。

越南人姓名的排列顺序与中国人的姓名一样,都是姓氏在前,名字在后,这反映了中越两国都很重视集体的传统。我们在未出生时就已经有了姓氏,这看似简单的代号讲述着一个人的身世、家庭。现如今,随着姓氏的不断发展,限制也更少,不再像古时候那样有等级尊贵之分,而是更多倾向于注重家庭的凝聚。家国相依,命运与共,姓名让我们与家庭有了难以割舍的牵绊,在为小家付出的同时,也促进国家向前发展。对中越人民来说,除了血脉、国籍,每一个“姓”都有极大的意义,代表着尊龙凯时首页 是谁,从哪里来。我自豪是父母的孩子,也自豪是国家的人民。


from the surname, see the cultures of china and vietnam

from october 30 to november 2, general secretary of the communist party of vietnam central committee nguyen phu trong paid an official visit to china at the invitation of general secretary xi, becoming the first foreign leader to visit china after the conclusion of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china. this visit is of great significance to both china and vietnam. the origins of china and vietnam can be seen in the surname.

when chinese people talk about surnames, they naturally think of "hundred family surnames." "hundred family surnames" is an anthology that records surnames, with 568 characters in the full text and a total of 503 surnames, and these surnames are just a cluster of many surnames in china. the origin of chinese surnames is generally believed to be traced back to matrilineal clan society. in a tribal clan society, to prevent the marriage of men and women with the same blood relationship from affecting the growth of the next generation, the "surname" is used as a distinction, and the system of extra-clan marriage is implemented. the formation period of "shi" was about the period of transformation from a primitive society to a slave society in our country, and "shi" was closely integrated with property, political rights, and social status. in the xia and shang dynasties, the boundary between "surname" and "shi" gradually blurred and tended to be unified, and the customary system of the surname was gradually established. to this day, the history of surnames in our country is thousands of years old.

among southeast asian countries, vietnam is one of the countries most deeply influenced by chinese culture. the emergence of vietnamese surnames can also be traced back to the early days of sino-vietnamese cultural exchanges. from the western han dynasty to the tang dynasty for more than 1,000 years, the vietnamese gradually absorbed chinese surnames through the process of borrowing a large number of chinese words twice and filled them in later development, characteristics of the nation. however, there are not as many surnames in vietnam as there are in china. there are only more than 300 surnames in modern times. the three surnames with the largest number are nguyen (ruan), tran (chen), and le (li). in addition, the surname nguyen phuc (ruan fu) is the only surname in vietnamese history that has not changed since ancient times.

tian tian from china has a special surname qu. in china, there are relatively few people with this surname, and this surname has undergone a long evolutionary process to become what it is today. chui xin from vietnam is very proud of his surname wu, because wu ranks in the top 20 among more than 300 surnames in vietnam, so it is considered a big family. it's just that chui xin also has some complaints about his name. it was a habit before the 1990s to have "shi" in the names of vietnamese girls. now, it seems a bit outdated.

vietnamese names are arranged in the same order as chinese names, with the surname first and the first name last, which reflects the tradition that both china and vietnam attach great importance to the collective. we already had a surname before we were born, and this seemingly simple code tells a person's life experience and family. nowadays, with the continuous development of surnames, there are fewer restrictions, and there is no longer the distinction of rank and dignity as in ancient times. instead, more tend to focus on family cohesion. family and country depend on each other, and we share a common destiny. names make us have an inseparable bond with our family. while paying for our small family, it also promotes the pace of our country’s development. for the chinese and vietnamese people, in addition to blood and nationality, each "surname" has great significance, representing who we are and where we come from. i am proud to be the child of my parents and proud to be a citizen of my country.

from the surname, we found another similarity between the chinese and vietnamese cultures. the surname culture not only has the function of blood identification but also has the function of cultural identification. the rational development of surname cultural resources may become a link between china and vietnam in cultural exchanges and even economic exchanges, promoting the common development of the two countries. this coincides with the "promoting cultural self-confidence and self-improvement" mentioned by general secretary xi in the report of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china. as an important part of chinese culture, the excellent traditional chinese culture should transcend time and space, cross national borders, take the cultural spirit with contemporary value as the focus of dissemination and promotion, and walk off the road of innovation in surname culture.

指导老师:刘海明 王小杨


作者:曲甜甜 吴氏垂心


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