

来源:红网 作者:陈保君 邓琳娜 编辑:唐盈 2022-11-05 11:48:53

□陈保君(马来西亚) 邓琳娜(罗马尼亚)














故宫的英文名称是“forbidden palace”,因为它只供皇帝和宫廷使用。 此外,这个名字暗示了一个隐藏的世界,一个并非所有人都可以进入的完美和谐的世界。 当我告诉我的朋友我去过故宫时,他们还在想一个凡人无法进入的神奇之地。



例如,马来西亚的宫殿结合了传统的马来和伊斯兰建筑,皇家博物馆大多是金色的,屋顶也涂上了金色,展示了一座美丽宫殿的丰富性。金色还覆盖了墙壁、家具和许多其他小细节的颜色。墙壁上也装饰着各种形状的物品,游客可能会花上一整天的时间来观看它们。但是,整体上没有平衡,因为我们的眼睛充斥了太多的细节。另一个美丽宫殿的例子是 istana negara,一座位于小山上的巨大宫殿,可以俯瞰城市,这座宫殿与伊斯兰特色完美地融合在一起,让任何人都惊叹不已。




the culture exchange stall- bilingual column-harmony in one building- the forbidden city

one day i was walking on the street and i heard a child talking with his father.he happily said:” i want to go to visit the forbidden city.“

the father was surprised and replied:

“how do you know about this place?”

the child eyes were filled with enthusiasm. he said:” i saw it in my book at school and i think this palace is the most beautiful in the world”

the father told her: “but you have not seen all the palaces in the world.”

the child then replied quickly: “i have seen pictures with biggest palaces in the world and none of them made me think that i need to visit it. i want to go to china and visit forbidden city”

years later when i first visit forbidden city,i remembered the kids’ words and i was surprised by the beauty and the perfection of this magnificent palace. measuring 961 meters in length and 753 meters in width, the forbidden city is composed of more than 90 palace compounds and surrounded by a moat as wide as 52 meters.

the "river of golden water" flows through the first courtyard. in the palace, water should be circulating for both drains and fire suppression purposes. the hall of supreme harmony is the tallest structure in the forbidden city, standing over 35 meters high. it has porcelain tiles that are glazed in the imperial hue yellow, same as the majority of the structures in the palace. important occasions and rituals, such as ceremonies, dignitary visits, imperial banquets, celebrations, and special days, were held in the hall.

the qianqing palace was the main residence of the first two emperors of the qing dynasty and the fourteen emperors of the ming dynasty. the hall of zhonghe is located behind the qianqing palace. the winding and fantastical architecture of the back garden is in strong contrast to the rigorous perfection of the forbidden city. it is full of rockeries, ancient trees, statues and temples, and trails lined with mosaics.

designers of the forbidden city chose vivid hues for both architectural and cultural reasons. the chinese created the idea of wu xing in antiquity to understand specific incidents through the interactions of several factors. it was used in a variety of industries, including medicine, astronomy, design, and tai chi.

the forbidden city is awash in the favorable color red, which the chinese connect with responsibility, joy, fortune, and glory. red can be observed clearly on gates, doors, window frames, outside timbers, and indoor pillars. 

yellow was seen as the hue of the earth, the source of all vitality, which the ancient chinese believed to be the most crucial component. because of this, yellow was valued highly and saved for the emperor's sole usage. its significance in the way itwas intended to demonstrate how the emperor's status as the son of heaven gave him a unique link to the planet and gave him the right to rule. the color yellow was actually only permitted to be used in imperial palaces, tombsaccording to ming rule, and it even became traditional for emperors to dress yellow robes with a decorated dragon.

numerology is highly valued in china, and it was implemented into the layout of the forbidden city. for example, because nine is the biggest single number, the emperor was given exclusive usage of both yellow and nine. nine means long or eternal. it's common to hear that there are 9,999 rooms in the forbidden city, because10,000, the number for eternity, or the number of rooms anybody would discover in the forbidden city in eternity.

any door that the emperor used would be colored a striking shade of red and adorned with nine lines of nine golden nails. the nine sculptures, all of which personified a specific virtue or guarded the complex, might be found in an emperor's residence, for instance. the phoenix-riding eternal stood for having to turn bad luck into great fortune, the dragon for strength, the lion for strength and courage and warding off evil forces, the pegasus for energy, the sea horse for great fortune, the second lion for controlling the rain and averting catastrophes, the fish for summoning the wind and storms, the goat-bull for acts of bravery, and the bull for a protection mechanism against evil.

the english name for the forbidden cityis “the forbidden city”, because it was only used by emperors and the royal court. moreover, this name suggests a world that is hidden, a piece of perfect harmony where not everyone can enter. when i told my friends that i have been to the forbidden palace they were still thinking at a magical place, where mortals cannot enter.

the palace is the architectural symbol of harmony and perfection. architecture, at its core, reacts to its surroundings. it doesn't necessarily need to be disguised in order to blend in, especially with natural surroundings. nevertheless, there must be harmony. similar to music, a building's architecture combines aspects of harmony and discord. over time, though, these components can be seen as the growth of harmony—just on a different level of how the environment is perceived. the architectural design of the structure exhibits symmetry, which gives it a finished, rhythmic appearance. nonetheless, rhythm is a technique for creating architectural composition that can take both vertical and horizontal forms.

in other parts of the world, palaces also exhibit power, elegance and all kinds of beautiful architectural details. however, none of these palaces inspires the visitors to think of harmony. they were built to show the people how rich and wealthy the nation is, but they do not send the message of perfect lines, a perfect number or any colors carefully choose to symbolize something.

for example, palaces in malaysia are combining traditional malay and islamic architecture and rooftops are also painted in gold. the royal museum is mostly golden and show the richness of a beautiful palace. the walls are decorated in various shapes and decorations and visitors may spend all day watching them. however, there is no balance because our eyes get tired of too many details. golden is the color that covers the walls, the furniture and many other small details. and another example of a beautiful palace is the istana negara, a huge palace on one hill beautifully overlooking the city, where islamic features are beautifully mixed in order to amaze anyone.

in europe, palaces have the role of showing richness and power and most of them are open now to visitors as well. while castles were used for protection, palaces were just wonderfully decorated so that any important visitor from other country could see the beauty of that specific country. for example, in vienna during the reign of empress maria theresa many palaces have been redecorated so they can show the world that the habsburg empire is one of the most powerful in europe. the schönbrunn palace is surrounded by garden filled with labyrinths, flowers and fountains. the palace has 1,441 rooms, but the colors are very different, because there are rooms totally painted in red, other in blue or in green. most palaces are not following a design but each king, queen or emperor had a different view of what beauty means. visitors can explore the palace and discover different patterns and even guess the time they represent.

another place famous for palaces is france and paris, the town of love has many wonderful palaces. a little further in the city of versailles, the most famous palace is palace of versailles. the palace of versailles, a former seat of government and royal palace for france, is today a recognized symbol. the palace and its surroundings, which were decorated by numerous generations of architects, sculptors, painters, and planners, had a significant impact on many other magnificent gardens throughout europe and served as the pinnacle of taste and fashion. together, some of france's most talented artists created each figure and fountain. all the projects were presented to king louis xiv for his authorization. if anyone wants to see famous paintings and sculptures this is the perfect place, but there is the lack of harmony that bothers the eye.

in conclusion, harmony demands the unity of components that are asymmetrically situated in space, but possess the balance of composition and an overall understanding of the entire structure, whereas symmetry is distinguished by the principles of geometric equalization of components of a larger structure. in their work, architects seek to create harmonious structures that are one of a kind. the forbidden cityis the only place where harmony and perfection combines and perfectly create a masterpiece.



作者:陈保君 邓琳娜


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